Department of Civil Affairs of Hainan Province
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Three-Year Action Plan of New Investment Policies of Hainan Free Trade Port (2021-2023)
2022-03-07 09:08 Origin: Hainan Free Trade port Organ: Print

(All information in the documents are authentic in Chinese and their English versions are provided for reference only. In case of any discrepancy, the Chinese versions shall prevail.)

Three-Year Action Plan of New Investment Policies in Hainan Free Trade Port for (2021-2023)

At present, the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port is in the initial stage and the critical period, but still faces problems such as unreasonable investment structure, low investment efficiency, and urgent need for industrial transformation and upgrading. The Three-Year Action Plan of Hainan Free Trade Port for New Investment Policies (2021-2023) is formulated in order to fully implement the Overall Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and the Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035 of Hainan Province, actively participate in the double circulation of domestic and international economic cycles, enhance the integration of Hainan industries and domestic and international industry chains, focus on industry investment, form more industry agglomerations, further optimize the investment structure, improve the efficiency and quality of investment, and promote the high-quality development of investment in Hainan Province.

I. Objectives 

We shall hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and thoroughly implement the guiding principles of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the second, third, fourth, and fifth plenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, as well as the important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping on April 13, 2019, in order to continuously improve the investment structure and quality of Hainan Free Trade Port. Strictly implementing the red line of ecological protection, the bottom line of environmental quality, the upper line of utilization of resources, and the eco-environmental access list (the "three lines and one list") and adhering to the bottom line of not occupying permanent basic farmland, breaking the carbon emission cap, or reducing forestland amount in keeping, we shall, based on the actual situation of Hainan Province, highly focus on the efficiency and quality of investment in three pillars of tourism, modern service, and high-tech industries, as well as high-efficiency agriculture with tropical characteristics and manufacturing (namely "3+1+1" industries), infrastructure construction regarding the networks of roads, optic fibers, electricity, gas, and water (the "five-network" infrastructure), public services for people's livelihood, social investment, and other key sectors, with more efforts put into the expansion of effective investment. Through the implementation of three-year new investment policies, while completing the annual investment growth rate of not less than 10%, by 2023, Hainan Province will see a more reasonable investment structure, significantly improved investment quality, gradually increasing investment efficiency, further released industrial cluster effect, and a more prominent role of industry investment in boosting GDP, allowing the early benefits of the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port to be reflected in the quality and speed of the macroeconomic development of Hainan Province.

(I) Paying attention to the structure and quality of industry investment, and expanding effective investment. We will focus on the development of real economy and the quality of industry investment, actively adjust the investment structure, and effectively increase the proportion of investment in "3+1+1" industries. A batch of major industry platforms, including two to three 100-billion-yuan and five to seven 10-billion-yuan major industry platforms, will be built with high-quality investment, leading to the formation of certain industry clusters with aggregated innovative factors of production and complete supporting systems. Investment in "3+1+1" industries will grow by about 12% per year in 2021-2023. By 2023, such investment will account for not less than 67% of investment in fixed assets of the whole society, and the added value will account for 70% or above of the gross regional product.

(II) Improving the "five-network" infrastructure. According to the requirements for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, efforts will be made to accelerate the construction of "five-network" infrastructure. In 2021-2023, infrastructure investment will increase by about 3% per year, further improving infrastructure investment and filling the gap in infrastructure development in Hainan Province.

(III) Improving the capacity for public services for people's livelihood. Investment in the public sector for people's livelihood will be increased, and areas of weakness in public service sector will be bolstered. In 2021-2023, the investment will grow by about 10%. By 2023, public service facilities in Hainan Province will reach the domestic leading level.

(IV) Continuously expanding private investment. Efforts will be made to create a first-class business environment, build an honest government, and establish a new type of close and clean government-business relationship, facilitating business operations with timely and effective response and zero disturbance. In 2021-2023, private investment is to grow by 10% or above per year, with its vitality continuing to increase.

More attention will be paid to the driving effect of major projects on investment, and efforts will be focused on promoting investment in projects with significant weights and influence, striving to achieve an annual increase of two percentage points in the proportion of projects with a total investment of 100 million yuan or above to investment of the whole year.

II. Main Tasks

(I) Optimizing the industry investment structure and building a modern industry system dominated by "3+1+1" industries.

1. Tourism.

We will accelerate the construction of projects like Haikou International Duty-free City , and take advantage of the off-shore duty-free policy. With Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone as the "main battlefield", "Medical Treatment Plus Tourism" will be developed to attract tourists with medical needs at home and abroad to seek medical treatment and aging care services in the Lecheng Pilot Zone. Led by festivals and events such as the Hainan Island International Film Festival and the Hainan Island Carnival, "Culture Plus Tourism" and "Sports Plus Tourism" will be developed to attract more people at different levels of consumption to travel and spend in Hainan Province. (Responsible authorities: the Department of Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television and Sports of Hainan Province, the Hainan Provincial Film Administration, the Department of Commerce of Hainan Province, the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Hainan Province, the Hainan Provincial Health Commission, Hainan Development Holdings Co., Ltd., Hainan Tourism Investment & Development Co., Ltd., governments of all cities and counties, and the Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone Administration)

2. Modern service industry.

We will continue to promote the establishment of such projects as the Hainan International Clearing House and the Service Center for New Offshore International Trade Enterprises, build international trade "wharfs", and promote the gathering of international settlement headquarters of overseas central enterprises in Hainan Province. "Blockchain Plus Finance" industry clusters will be cultivated in Haikou Fullsing Internet Industrial Park, Hainan Resort Software Community, and other key areas. Yangpu International Cold Chain Center will be built, with large international transit cold storages built in Yangpu, Haikou, Chengmai, and other places. The construction of Chengmai oil and gas exploration and production service base will be accelerated, for a batch of enterprises engaged in oil and gas technology services, engineering services, equipment services, logistics support services, and other services to operate. The Lingshui Li'an International Education Innovation Pilot Zone will be taken as a carrier to attract well-known international universities such as Coventry University and University of Nottingham in the UK to run branch schools in Hainan Province. We will build Hainan into an international conference and exhibition center in the region and hold the China International Consumer Products Expo at a high level from 2021. Well-known design enterprises and agencies at home and abroad will be attracted to settle in key industrial parks such as Haikou Jiangdong New Area, to build an "International Design Island". (Responsible authorities: the Hainan Local Financial Supervision and Administration, the Department of Commerce of Hainan Province, the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Hainan Province, the Haikou Central Sub-branch of the People's Bank of China, the Department of Finance of Hainan Province, the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Hainan Province, the Department of Education of Hainan Province, the Hainan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Haikou Customs District, governments of all cities and counties, and 11 key industrial parks)

3. High-tech industry.

Continuous efforts will be made to promote the construction of a batch of science and technology platforms such as the National Key Laboratory of Tropical Crops and the Biomedical and Health Research Center of Hainan University, strengthen the support for basic research, applied research, and achievements transformation, promote the in-depth integration of innovation chains, industry chains, and capital chains, and build a whole industry chain of high-tech industries. By 2023, the proportion of R&D funds will account for 1.2% or above of the gross regional product.

The development of digital economy, new petrochemical materials, and modern biomedicine industries will be sped up. In terms of digital economy, relying on key industrial parks such as Haikou Fullsing Internet Industrial Park, Hainan Resort Software Community, and Haikou National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, we will improve the valuation adjustment mechanism and help digital economy to grow bigger and stronger. By 2023, several 10-billion-yuan industry clusters including animation and game industry, the Internet of Things, and digital trade will be formed. In terms of new petrochemical materials, projects will be mainly constructed in Yangpu Economic Development Zone and Dongfang Industrial Park, with the one-million-ton ethylene projects as the focus of investment promotion. The industry chain will be extended. A batch of high-performance non-metallic materials, high polymer materials, fine chemicals, and other products will be produced. By 2023, a major industry platform for new petrochemical materials will be first fostered in Yangpu Economic Development Zone (including Dongfang Lingang Industrial Park). In terms of modern biomedicine, full play will be given to the resource advantages and industry bases of Hainan Province; Hainan Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone and Haikou National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone will be taken as the carriers to introduce domestic and foreign leading enterprises; existing enterprises in Hainan Province, such as Children's Medicine Mei'an Smart Manufacturing Base of Huluwa Group and Hualon Pharmaceutical are encouraged to increase their investment in technological transformation on the basis of the existing capacity, grow bigger and stronger by quality improvement and upgrading, and vigorously develop, among others, new biopharmaceuticals, high-end medical devices, modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, and chemical medicines, to serve the strong domestic demand market. By 2023, a major industry and innovation platform for modern biomedicine will be first fostered in Haikou National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone. (Responsible authorities: the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Hainan Province, the Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province, the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Hainan Provincial Health Commission, the Hainan Medical Products Administration, governments of all cities and counties, and 11 key industrial parks)

Seed breeding, deep-sea, and aerospace industries will be fostered. In terms of seed breeding industry, we start with the construction of an introduction and transfer base for global animal and plant germplasm resources, and promote the construction of Nanfan Science and Technology City to promote industry transformation by reference to the CRO R&D mode. Nanfan Silicon Valley and China's seed trading center integrating scientific research, production, sales, science and technology exchanges, and achievements transformation and serving the whole country will be initially built by 2023. In terms of deep-sea industry, Hainan will build a deep-sea science and technology city and a deep-sea scientific and technological achievements incubation and transformation base by in-depth construction of South China Sea ocean big data center, national comprehensive deep-sea experiment field, deep-sea science and technology industry-university-research platform, and other major science and technology infrastructure. By 2023, more China's deep-sea science and technology and industry forces will gather in the deep-sea science and technology city, striving to build a sole national deep-sea science and technology city and a deep-sea scientific and technological innovation talent training base in China. In terms of aerospace industry, the Wenchang International Aviation & Aerospace Forum is held to build Wenchang into an international aerospace exchange and cooperation platform, a high-end aerospace product R&D and manufacturing base, an aerospace big data development and application base, and an "Aerospace Plus" industry demonstration zone. Efforts will be made to promote the effective integration of resources, accelerate the introduction and agglomeration of aerospace industry, and expedite the integrated development of satellite communications, navigation, and remote sensing industries, striving to attract 400 enterprises to settle in the parks and form a smoother mechanism for transforming aerospace science and technology into aerospace industry by 2023. (Responsible authorities: the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hainan Province, the Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province, the Department of Natural Resources and Planning of Hainan Province, the Office of Commission for Military-Civilian Integration of the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee, the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, HSF Investment Holdings Group Co., Ltd., governments of Sanya City, Wenchang City, Lingshui Li Autonomous County, and Ledong Li Autonomous County, the Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Administration, and the Wenchang International Aerospace City Administration)

We will optimize and upgrade clean energy, energy-saving and environmental protection, and high-end food processing industries. In terms of clean energy industry, we will accelerate the development of new energy vehicle and smart car manufacturing, and promote the construction of an international technological innovation platform. By continuing to promote the construction of such projects as Changjiang Nuclear Power Project Phase II, Small Reactor Demonstration Project and Datang Wanning Gas-to-Power Generation Project, a hydrogen energy industry system will be developed with hydrogen purified from by-product hydrogen of refining and chemical enterprises as initiation resources. In terms of energy-saving and environmental protection industry, we will promote the implementation of regulations on the plastic ban, construct a batch of plastic substitute industry projects in places like Yangpu Economic Development Zone, Haikou National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, and complete the establishment of a whole industry chain of substitutes for plastic by 2023. We will vigorously promote environmentally friendly buildings, rely on bases like Lingao Jinpai Port, Ding'an Xinzhu Prefabricated Building Industry Base, and support investment in capacity expansion of prefabricated building plants, ensuring the wide-spread adoption of prefabricated buildings in Hainan Province after 2022. With improving the quality of urban ecology and environment as the core, and perfecting the living environment of the people as the starting point, Hainan will increase investment in ecology and environment, and improve the collection and processing rate of sewage in urban and rural areas and the coverage of urban and rural waste classification facilities, ensuring that the ecology and environment in Hainan Province is ranked among the best in China. In terms of high-end food processing industry, we will continue to promote the construction of such projects as food processing parks in Haikou National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, national modern agriculture industrial parks in Yazhou District, Sanya City and Danzhou City, Wanning Betel Nut Industrial Park, Ding'an Taling Industrial Park, and Chengmai Old Town Development Zone, and improve the agricultural industry development system. Food processing enterprises in Hainan Province are encouraged to carry out deep processing of raw materials globally purchased, and cultivate more food processing industry clusters. (Responsible authorities: the Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province, the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Hainan Province, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hainan Province, the Hainan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Department of Ecology and Environment of Hainan Province, the Department of Water Resources of Hainan Province, the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Hainan Province, governments of all cities and counties, the Yangpu Economic Development Zone Administration, and the Haikou National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone Administration)

4. High-efficiency agriculture with tropical characteristics.

Taking advantage of the climate in Hainan Province, we will focus on tropical fruits and winter fruits and vegetables, rubber trees, coconut trees, betel nut trees, and the transformation of fishery, and develop characteristic and competitive products through constructing high-standard farmlands, ensuring the planting scale of rubber trees, expanding the planting of betel nut and coconut trees, promoting deep sea net cage-based fish farming and deep processing of agricultural products, or other channels, so as to promote the upgrading of agriculture in Hainan Province and increase its competitiveness. By solidly implementing the land law and the responsibilities of mayors or county heads, and integrating the land for the shopping basket program into basic farmland management, we will achieve the planting scale of 150,000 mu for vegetables, and ensure that the self-sufficiency of vegetables is not less than 65%. (Responsible authorities: the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hainan Province, the Department of Natural Resources and Planning of Hainan Province, the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Hainan Province, HSF Investment Holdings Group Co., Ltd., governments of all cities and counties, the Yangpu Economic Development Zone Administration, and the Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Administration)

5. Manufacturing.

Manufacturing in Hainan Province will be optimized and strengthened, with priority given to quality and efficiency improvement and stable development, and incremental development and stock adjustment properly made. The manufacturing and maintenance business of new energy vehicles, smart cars, aircrafts, robots, marine engineering equipment, yachts, and other high-end equipment will be promoted in industrial parks like Haikou National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Yangpu Economic Development Zone, Chengmai Old Town Economic Development Zone, Ding'an Taling Industrial Park, Danzhou Mutang Industrial Park, to build a batch of advanced manufacturing clusters with international competitiveness. According to application and market orientation, large-scale equipment enterprises at home and abroad will be encouraged and supported to transform  technological achievements in Hainan Province; enterprises in Hainan Province are subject to green and smart technology transformation; and the development ecology of equipment manufacturing will be actively cultivated. Continuous efforts will be made to advance the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing, and new technologies will be applied to improve quality and efficiency of traditional industries, so as to promote the in-depth integration of the Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence into manufacturing. (Responsible authorities: the Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province, the Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province, governments of all cities and counties, and 11 key industrial parks)

(II) Bolstering areas of weakness in "five-network" infrastructure to improve service efficiency.

In terms of road network, we will upgrade existing highways, commence the construction of intercity rail transit in the "Haikou, Chengmai, Wenchang and Ding'an" integrated economic circle as soon as possible, focus on promoting the construction of such projects as the Xiaochantan wharf of Yangpu container hub port, the navigation channel of Macun port area in Haikou Port, and the phase III container wharf of Macun port area in Haikou Port, expedite the start-up of the phase III expansion project of Haikou Meilan Airport and the construction of new Sanya airport, as well as the early work of Dongfang Airport and Danzhou Airport, and further improve the infrastructure of key industrial parks, forming a multi-level integrated transportation network pattern with the "" shape plus ring lines. In terms of optical network, efforts will be made to expedite the construction of a high-speed, ubiquitous optical fiber broadband network in Hainan Province and the realization of the full coverage of 5G full scenes on the entire island, and deploy the construction of international communication infrastructure, scientifically plan  the Internet data center, and carry out the pilot program for international Internet data interaction, laying a solid foundation for the construction of an open pilot zone for international information communications. In terms of power grid, we will accelerate the construction of projects including Changjiang Nuclear Power Project Phase II to meet the power needs of Hainan Province, speed up the construction of 500-kV main grid structure and the upgrading and transformation of existing grid, read kilowatt hour meters at all households, and basically build a smart grid system. In terms of gas network, we will speed up the construction of ""-shaped main gas transmission network structure, basically realize the "county-level pipeline interconnection", and actively promote gas use in villages to realize the "replacement of firewood with gas". In terms of water network, we will accelerate the construction of large-scale water conservancy infrastructure and farmland water conservancy projects such as Maiwan and Tianjiaotan hydro-junctions, water supply to the northwest of Hainan Province, and Nanfan Leya Area, and while building the backbone water network of Hainan Province, further dredge the water supply "capillaries" and complete the "last kilometer" of the water supply system. (Responsible authorities: the Department of Transport of Hainan Province, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Hainan Province, the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Hainan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Department of Water Resources of Hainan Province, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hainan Province, Hainan Power Grid Co., Ltd., Hainan Development Holdings Co., Ltd., Hainan Province Transport Investment Holding Company Limited, Hainan Provincial Water Group Co., Ltd., governments of all cities and counties, and the Yangpu Economic Development Zone Administration)

(III) Increasing investment in public sectors and improving public services.

We will strengthen education investment, optimize the distribution of basic education resources, and make it possible for students to reach  preschool and compulsory education schools within a 15-minute walk; create one or two domestic first-class and internationally renowned applied technical and vocational education institutions ; promote the construction of Lingshui Li'an International Education Innovation Pilot Zone, support the development of Hainan University into a double first-class university, and support the construction of National Teacher Development Collaborative Innovation Experimental Base of Hainan Normal University and the Guilinyang Campus of Hainan Medical University. Areas of weakness in medical sector will be bolstered. Efforts will be made to accelerate the construction of a batch of medical and health projects such as new sites of the provincial maternal and child health hospital, new sites of the provincial disease control center, and the provincial public health clinical center, and promote the commencement of construction of the South Section (Guanlan Lake) of Hainan General Hospital and the Jiangdong New Section of the First Hainan Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical University. We will ensure the proper establishment of a social security network, improve the distribution and function of welfare institutions in Hainan Province, promote the construction of integrated child welfare institutions featuring "Nurturing, Medical Treatment, Rehabilitation, and Education Plus Social Work" in Haikou, Sanya, Danzhou, Qionghai, and other places, strengthen the construction of the integrated child welfare institutions in the areas of Haikou, Sanya, Yingzhou and Qionghai, strengthen the construction of Hainan Disabled Rehabilitation Guidance Center and rehabilitation infrastructure and service institutions for the disabled in cities and counties, and establish a provincial first-class comprehensive service rehabilitation center. Efforts will be made to implement the urban renewal action and promote the transformation of old urban residential communities. The transformation of infrastructure such as water supply facilities, power transmission facilities, charging piles, and roads will be completed in about 1,200 old urban residential communities. The aging facilities, damaged buildings, and poor living environment in old urban districts will be comprehensively improved. The urban service functions will be improved and perfected. 200 fair-price vegetable outlets benefiting the residents of Hainan Province will be constructed. (Responsible authorities: the Department of Education of Hainan Province, the Hainan Provincial Health Commission, the Department of Civil Affairs of Hainan Province, the Hainan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Department of Commerce of Hainan Province, governments of all cities and counties, and the Yangpu Economic Development Zone Administration)

(IV) Enhancing market vitality to attract more private investment.

The policies such as cancellation facilitation dominated by public announcement with a commitment and streamlining procedures, and bankruptcy facilitation dominated by performance of duties with due diligence will be implemented. In accordance with the reform requirements of "streamlining administration, delegating power and strengthening regulation, and upgrading services", we will clean up and verify the examination and approval of private investment projects, break down barriers to investment "glass doors", smooth investment channels, and further reduce the operating costs of private enterprises. Private investors will be guided to actively participate in the construction of profitable infrastructure, projects for people's livelihood, and other sectors. The dependency ratio of private investors in the real estate industry will be reduced. The channels of funding source for the construction of traditional infrastructure and public service projects will be broadened, to alleviate the financial pressure of the government. By 2023, a private investment system matching the construction needs of Hainan Free Trade Port and featuring further unimpeded social investment channels, more extensive investment areas, a more robust mechanism, and more diversified investors will be basically established. (Responsible authorities: the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Hainan Local Financial Supervision and Administration, etc., governments of all cities and counties, and 11 key industrial parks)

III. Accelerating the Reform of the Investment and Financing System

(I) Improving resource allocation efficiency. In combination with the actual development of Hainan Province, strictly following the strategic positioning of Hainan Free Trade Port as "three zones and one center", firmly guarding the red line of ecology and permanent basic farmland and not breaking resource utilization and carbon emission caps, we will raise the industry access threshold and investment benefits, and further promote and improve the mechanism of "putting yield per mu first", to ensure that the land and ecological resources of the best quality are left to the best investors. Industries will be guided to gather in the industrial parks and a batch of major industry platforms will be constructed with high quality, to drive the formation of several industry clusters with core competitiveness and promote the convergence of industry agglomeration areas. By reducing investment costs, promoting the flow of resource from low-quality and low-efficiency sectors to high-quality and efficient sectors, and effectively improving capital operation efficiency, more private investors will be guided to participate in the construction of industry systems of Hainan Free Trade Port. (Responsible authorities: the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Commerce of Hainan Province, the Department of Natural Resources and Planning of Hainan Province, the Department of Ecology and Environment of Hainan Province, etc., governments of all cities and counties, and 11 key industrial parks)

(II) Broadening investment and financing channels. We will form a closed-loop working mechanism for investment and financing integration, do a good job in project packaging, and strive for more special bonds; gradually expand the issuance of infrastructure REITs products, revitalize high-quality stock assets, expand financing channels, and reduce overall financing costs; build a standard and efficient PPP promotion mechanism, and form a work force to regularly launch to the society a batch of projects featuring high profitability, short payback period, stable cash flows and reasonable return mechanism. For beneficial projects with investment grants from central and local governments, government investment can be used as project principal to expand financing capacity and increase the overall scale of social financing. Efforts will be made to give full play to the role of Hainan Free Trade Port Construction Investment Fund, attract private capital to initiate the establishment of special sub-funds for projects, broaden the financing channels for major projects, and support the construction of major projects. The confidence of market players in investing and starting businesses in Hainan' Province will be enhanced by creating a first-class business environment, and promoting the realization of "zero visit" for government affairs and "optimized services" benefiting the people and enterprises. Under the premise of security control, we will greatly relax market access, promote the convenient and efficient flow of production factors from home and abroad in the island, and create an open, transparent, and predictable investment environment. Enterprises are encouraged and guided to go public on domestic or overseas markets for financing. Local government bonds and enterprise bonds will be issued to eligible foreign investors around the world in due course. (Responsible authorities: the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Finance of Hainan Province, the Hainan Local Financial Supervision and Administration, the Hainan Regulatory Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, etc., governments of all cities and counties, and 11 key industrial parks)

(III) Innovating the investment supervision mode. Under the "risk controllable" premise, we will make full use of modern information means to build a new credit-based investment supervision mechanism, and improve the "Internet Plus Supervision" mode, to realize that both ex ante record-filing services and interim and ex post supervision are in place. The integration of systems and platforms developed by the government will be strengthened, to realize the horizontal smooth connection and vertical alignment of all project supervision platforms of Hainan Province and basically realize "one network" of investment supervision platforms by 2023. (Responsible authorities: the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Big Data Administration of Hainan Province, etc., governments of all cities and counties, and 11 key industrial parks)

(IV) Implementing investment facilitation systems such as "granting enterprises market access with a prior commitment" and "minimal approval procedures". For private investment projects, we will strictly implement the policy of "entry unless on the list" and, in principle, we will cancel permit and approval for areas with mandatory standards. Enterprises will be directly issued by government departments with the relevant certificates whereby the construction can be started if their investment behaviors comply with and implement the relevant prevailing laws and regulations, and they obtain the land for construction, meet the conditions for commencement of construction, and make a commitment according to the content notified by administrative approval organs. For government-invested projects, by integration of third-party review institutions in the links of industry review, official reply to projects, and financial review, a joint review and approval system will be established; under the system, third-party review reports will be shared to ensure the consistency between budget review and approval of estimate, reduce procedural work, and improve working efficiency. (Responsible authorities: the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Government Affairs Service Center of Hainan, the Department of Finance of Hainan Province, the Hainan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, etc., governments of all cities and counties, and 11 key industrial parks)

IV. Safeguarding Measures

(I) Implementing the classified promotion responsibility system for projects. By relying on the online supervision platform for all private investment projects of Hainan Province, a three-year key project database will be established. Tasks in the key (major) project plan of each year will be broken down. The leaders of four leading groups of Hainan Province shall each take the lead to promote a provincial key (major) project on the whole chain, for which, in principle, the total investment shall not be less than RMB2.5 billion; the remaining projects shall be broken down and promoted by municipal and county-level leaders in a manner that is consistent with provincial leaders’ responsibilities for projects. A project division plan or list shall be prepared, with leadership responsibilities and timing nodes defined. (Responsible authorities: the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, governments of all cities and counties, and 11 key industrial parks)

(II) Comprehensively strengthening the guarantee of project elements. We will strictly implement the "elements meeting the need of projects" mechanism, strengthen the provincial coordination of resource elements, properly plan the land, energy consumption, funds, and other elements of projects in advance, promote a precise match and a balance between projects and the policy system, and fully guarantee the land, sea, and forest use indicators of projects. The projects will be properly tracked and supervised. Governments of cities and counties, authorities of industrial parks, and the relevant departments and bureaus will solve the problems affecting the progress of investment in a timely manner. The Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission will regularly organize the Department of Natural Resources and Planning of Hainan Province, the Department of Ecology and Environment of Hainan Province, the Department of Finance of Hainan Province, the Forestry Department of Hainan Province, and other departments to hold a provincial interdepartmental joint conference, to coordinate the resolution of problems in project element security and straighten up the plugging points in the investment work; if the problems cannot be solved by the joint conference, they will be promptly reported to the provincial government for resolution. (Responsible authorities: the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Natural Resources and Planning of Hainan Province, the Department of Ecology and Environment of Hainan Province, the Department of Finance of Hainan Province, the Forestry Department of Hainan Province, etc., governments of all cities and counties, and 11 key industrial parks)

(III) Implementing the primary responsibilities for investment promotion with high quality. By strengthening investment promotion, Deputy Governors are each responsible for introducing one to two industry projects with a total investment of RMB1 billion or above each year; main principals of the three prefecture-level cities, namely Haikou, Sanya, and Danzhou and 11 key industrial parks will each introduce at least three industry projects with a total investment of RMB500 million or above each year; main leaders of other cities and counties will introduce at least three industry projects with a total investment of RMB100 million or above each year, so as to ensure the continuous implementation of industry projects and continuously expand the scale of industry investment. More attention will be paid to attracting foreign capital to participate in the construction of major industry projects. Main principals of cities and counties and 11 key industrial parks will each introduce at least one foreign investment project per year. Investment promotion and project commencement will be seamlessly connected. The content of agreements signed by enterprises and the People's Government of Hainan Province will be tracked and assessed on a quarterly basis. The transformation of investment projects with cooperation intentions will be promoted. For projects for which agreements are signed with governments cities and counties (authorities of industrial parks), a provincial "contracted project bank" for investment promotion will be established and services will be tracked on the whole chain. If the construction of a project approved at the provincial investment promotion joint conference has not commenced for more than one year, the approval results of the project will be written off, and the assessment and evaluation qualifications for investment promotion for the current year of the city or county where the project is implemented will be cancelled. (Responsible authorities: the Department of Commerce of Hainan Province, etc., governments of all cities and counties, and 11 key industrial parks)

(IV) Refining the annual project list. The concept of "putting projects first" will be established. At the beginning of each year, the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission will take the lead to complete the preparation of the annual project list, implement dynamic management of projects, transfer the projects long pending commencement out of the project bank, add mature projects to the project bank in a timely manner, and adjust the annual investment plan and other contents as necessary according to procedures. With projects as the starting point, we will continue the centralized commencement of projects in odd months and the centralized signing of projects in even months, to ensure that the monthly investment plan is supported by projects. We will regularly carry out activities of "serving projects, enterprises, and the grass roots" in cities and counties, improve scheduling system for provincial key (major) projects and projects with a total investment of RMB5 million or above, find out investment-related problems, grasp the real-time completion of investment, study and judge investment situation, and put forward specific solutions in a timely manner, to ensure that the investment work is carried out smoothly as expected. (Responsible authorities: the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, governments of all cities and counties, and 11 key industrial parks)

(V) Giving play to the role of key industrial parks. Powers that are required and can be undertaken by parks will be further delegated, so that the parks are truly empowered and are decision makers; the parks shall intensify innovation in their teams and management mechanisms and in system integration, so that the demonstration and driving effect of the industrial parks in the construction of major industry platforms can be brought into full play. A positive competition orientation towards striving for excellence and the survival of the fittest will be formed by establishing a key industrial park creation system of Hainan Province clarifying park creation standards, further improving the assessment and dynamic adjustment mechanism of the parks, and implementing the warning and withdrawal system. (Responsible authorities: the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, governments of all cities and counties, and 11 key industrial parks)

(VI) Strengthening the fulfillment of responsibilities. The correct orientation towards competent persons taking office, superiors getting awards, mediocre persons being degraded, and the inferiors being removed will be formed. In the comprehensive assessment of high-quality development of cities and counties in Hainan Province, the weight allotted to indicators for the completion of investment will appropriately increase. Meanwhile, in cities, counties, and industrial parks that have excessively completed the annual investment, in terms of land use, forest use, and other aspects, when the planned indicator for an annual increase of land or forests used for construction is insufficient, provincial authorities will first provide guarantee through coordination. (Responsible authorities: the Hainan Provincial Bureau of Statistics, the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Natural Resources and Planning of Hainan Province, the Department of Finance of Hainan Province, the Forestry Department of Hainan Province, etc., governments of all cities and counties, and 11 key industrial parks)

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Department of Civil Affairs of Hainan Province