Department of Civil Affairs of Hainan Province
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Comrade Li Feng Gave a Special Party Lecture to Party Members and Cadres
2022-06-21 15:53 Origin: Department of Civil Affairs of Hainan Province Organ: Print

On June 18, a unique special Party lecture was given at the Service Center for the Party and the Masses of Pocun Village, Lingshui County. Li Feng, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and Director of the Department of Civil Affairs of Hainan Province, gave this special Party lecture for Party members and cadres in the civil affairs system with the title of "striving to be a loyal, clean and responsible civil affairs cadre" and in combination with the revolutionary history before and after the birth of the Soviet government in Lingshui County (the first Soviet regime of Hainan Island), the spirit of the Eighth Congress of Party Representatives of Hainan Province, the current new situation and new requirements of civil affairs work in the context of Hainan Free Trade Port.

▲ Li Feng, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and Director of the Department of Civil Affairs of Hainan Province, gave a special Party lecture to Party members and cadres of the civil affairs system

Li Feng pointed out that because the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port is at a critical time for accelerating the preparation for the closed operation on the whole island, and the civil affairs cause is facing unprecedented opportunities for reform and development and also facing unprecedented major challenges, civil affairs cadres are required to draw more confidence and courage from history than ever before and draw wisdom and strength from the history of the revolution and the footprints of their ancestors.

Li Feng required civil cadres to learn from revolutionary pioneers and models of the times, strive to practice "four properties" in civil affairs posts: Firstly, they should strengthen beliefs, take loyalty to the Party as the basis for standing, continuously strengthen Party exercise, and establish ambition with strong pride. They should take the people as the center, build the aim consciousness, devote themselves to major events without indulging in power, strengthen their beliefs and be loyal to the Party. Secondly, they should study diligently and think well, take theoretical armed forces as a need for self-cultivation, gain new insights in every habitual study, adhere to true learning and faith, and cultivate the talent with persistent enthusiasm. They should always take learning as an unremitting effort and a lifelong pursuit, adhere to the practice in learning, learn in civil affairs practice, self-pressurize, consciously "charge", strive to study in order to apply it and succeed in a special field of study, overcome the dread of incompetence, and establish the confidence of competence. Thirdly, they should do their duty with due diligence, embrace responsibility with passion, be bold to face and solve the problems, and perpetually have the brave spirit with the heroic passion. They should keep pioneering and innovative, keep pace with the times, dare to try, manage, solve contradictions, and withstand the pressure in front of difficulties, and dare to bear risks in front of the unknown. Fourthly, they should be honest and upright, take integrity and self-discipline as the bottom line of politics, hold the ruler with awe and veneration, and create the confidence calmly. They should strengthen the exercise of Party spirit, be strict in self-discipline and self-policing, and strictly abide by disciplines and rules. They should resolutely overcome fluke psychology, conformity psychology and unbalanced psychology, and correctly handle the relationship between public and private, justice and profit, truth and falsehood, justice and evil, bitterness and happiness. They should always have clean hands and become a frank officer.

Li Feng stressed that the history of the Party is the most vivid and persuasive textbook. Today, the CPC Central Committee has entrusted Hainan with the mission of building a free trade port. The Hainan Civil Affairs System should fully draw on the valuable experience of the victory of the Qiongya Revolution with history as a mirror and as a guide. It should consciously unify ideas and actions into the major decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core and unify them into the spirit of the Eighth Congress of Party Representatives of Hainan Province. It always adhere to the comprehensive leadership of the Party, vigorously carry forward the spirit of the Qiongya Revolution of "holding aloft the red flag for twenty-three years", strengthen Party construction, and implement the requirements for comprehensive and strict administration. It should be loyal to the Party, serve people, have clean hands, and have the spirit of self-discipline self-reliance. It should become a responsible team of civil affairs cadres so as to contribute the power of civil affairs to the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and the success of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

During the event, a visit to the old site of the Soviet Government of Lingshui County and the former residence of Comrade Huang Zhenshi, the first party secretary and revolutionary martyr of Lingshui County was organized, and the party members reviewed the admission oath of the CPC in front of the martyr sculpture.

▲ Li Feng, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and Director of the Department of Civil Affairs of Hainan Province, and other comrades were visiting the old address of the Soviet Government of Lingshui County

▲ Li Feng, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and Director of the Department of Civil Affairs of Hainan Province, and other comrades Comrades were visiting Pocun Village, Wenluo Town, Lingshui County Comrades were laying wreathes for revolutionary martyrs Comrades were reviewing the admission oath of the CPC

All the Party members of the Civil Affairs Department of Hainan Province, the Discipline Inspection Group of Hainan Commission for Discipline Inspection in Hainan Water Affairs Department, and the Civil Affairs Bureau of Lingshui County attended the event. 

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Department of Civil Affairs of Hainan Province