Department of Civil Affairs of Hainan Province
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2021-11-08 10:13 Origin: Department of Civil Affairs of Hainan Province Organ: Print

The Department of Civil Affairs of Hainan Province is established according to the Guiding Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Supporting Hainan's Comprehensive Deepening of Reform and Opening up (ZF [2018] No.12) and the Notice of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Issuing the Plan for Institutional Reform of Hainan Province (TZ [2018] No.80).

The Department of Civil Affairs of Hainan Province shall execute the principles and policies of the CPC Central Committee on civil affairs, as well as the policies and measures of China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone and Free Trade Port with Chinese characteristics. It shall also implement the decisions and arrangements made by the CPC provincial committee, and uphold and strengthen the unified leadership of the Party over civil affairs in the course of performing its duties.  

Address: 2/F, Provincial Government Office Building, No.59, Haifu Road, Meilan District, Haikou City, Hainan Province.

Office hours: 8:00-12:00 a.m. and 14:30-17:30 p.m. (holidays excepted).

Postal code: 570203.

Tel: (0898)65356585, 65321982.

Fax: (0898)65333315

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Department of Civil Affairs of Hainan Province